A Possible Dream
A Possible Dream
Well then, I suppose I'm a seafarer, since I've been fishing in the Gulf of Nicoya my whole life. I set out every day, working to sustain my family. Upon hearing that a sailing vessel was being built in Punta Morales, I was intrigued, and I told myself: “Here's my chance! I want to be part of this dream!”
Misael during his first visit at AstilleroVerde during the shipyard summit 2019.
I showed up the day SAILCARGO was hosting the shipyard summit. The first thing I saw was that impressive structure in the distance, and it left quite an impact on me.
“Why not?” I knew I was in the right place.
As the day went on, I was getting to know and talk to a lot of people, but one question remained for me:
“Who is the leading builder?” Eventually I was told that his name was “Lynx”. I approached and greeted him, and he welcomed me very kindly. We began talking about the project and the ship: how long the boat will be, how wide, etc.
Noticing my interest in the project, Lynx offered me to join the team, and to come work at the shipyard. “Of course! I would love to!” “I'll see you next Monday then.”
I arrived just when I said I would, at 6:00am, and walked up to the kitchen, where everyone gathers in the mornings before work.
“Good morning everyone! All good?”, I asked. They were all very welcoming, and greeted me friendly.
After a while of waiting, at 6:30, it was finally time to get to work. Everyone went up to their working places at various machines and equipment. I asked Lynx what he wanted me to do, and he assigned me to the saw mill. I was officially working at the shipyard, listening to all the saws and motors that sounded like a chorus.
Over time, we’re giving shape to the massive structures of the logs with our tools.
We cut 6 1/2” blocks. I'm getting comfortable with the band saw, the lathe, the table saw (creating tree-nails), different hammers, tape measures, bars, chisels, hooks and clamps for moving big pieces of wood. I’m also learning to sharpen all these tools and I’m even getting to know the tilting ship’s saw that we use to give shape to the giant frames of Ceiba. Artur is a leader in the framing department, and slowly but surely we all create the boat's skeleton.
I like working here at the shipyard. There's a lot of great teamwork, and everyone gets along. I’m specialized in milling lumber, and prepping the floor boards, the walls, and the planks for the furniture and rooms within the boat.
I thank God that I can be a part of this dream and share with my co-workers the feasible dream of finishing the ship we've all worked so hard on, raising the sails, and launching her to sea.
Thanks to recent investments we are able to hire more people from our local community. Our project is funded entirely by people like you becoming shareholders through investing.
Un Sueño Posible
Bien. Soy un marinero, ya que toda mi vida he pescado en el Golfo de Nicoya, y salgo todos los días a trabajar y traer el sustento a mi familia.
Escuchando un día que en Punta Morales se construía un barco velero, me interese.
"¡Esta es mi oportunidad de ser parte de este sueño!"
Fui el día que hicieron una conferencia, y al llegar, lo primero que vi fue aquella estructura impresionante, lo cual me impacto. Me pregunte: "¿Por que no? Quiero ser parte de este proyecto."
Entonces al transcurrir el tiempo de ese día, fui conociendo y compartiendo con otras personas, pero quede preguntando:
"¿Quien es el maestro constructor?" Me dijeron que se llamaba "Lynx". Lo acerque y lo salude. El me devolvió el saludo muy amablemente, y comenzamos a platicar sobre el proyecto; cuanto de largo y cuanto de ancho mide el velero. Viendo que me interesaba mucho el proyecto, Lynx me hizo la propuesta: "¿Queres trabajar con nosotros en el astillero?" "¡Claro que si me gustaría!" "Te espero 'el lunes de la semana siguiente."
Ese lunes ingrese a las 6:00am. Me acerque al comedor donde todos se reúnen cada mañana.
Misael’s son comes to visit the yard sometimes. Who knows, maybe he is going to be one of the future “astilleros”.
"¡Buenos días muchachos! ¿Todo bien?"
"¡Si! Todo bien!" respondieron todos.
Después de esperar un rato, llego la hora de trabajar. Todos tomaron sus puestos con sus máquinas. Le pregunte a Lynx lo que quería que yo hiciera, y me refirió a la cierra rustica del motor "Lister". Así empecé a laborar en el Astillero, escuchando todas la cierras que se arrancan como un gran concierto de música. Al pasar el tiempo, vamos dando forma a aquella estructura, con nuestros instrumentos. Cortamos bloques de 6.5" Me desempeño con la cierra de hoja fina, el torno, la cierra de mesa (creando clavos de madera), tal como usamos martillos, cintas, barras, formones y guvias, ganchos y prensas para mover tucas grandes. También estoy aprendiendo a filar todos los herramientos que usamos, incluso a la cierra gigante de barcos, al cual con mucha creatividad adaptaron un motor de motocicleta, para hacer posible las curvas de los costilllones gigantes. Artur es el encargado de las costillas del barco, que van formando el esqueleto, que algún día esperemos ver terminados.
Me gusta laborar en el astillero. Hay mucho compañerismo, y todos nos llevamos bien. Me especializo en cortar la madera, y crear los tablones del piso, el puente, la casa, los camarones, las paredes, y todo lo demás que va en el barco.
Le doy gracias a Dios por ser parte de este sueño, y compartir con mis compañeros la esperanza de ver al barco terminado, ya que con mucho esfuerzo eventualmente hizar las velas y lanzar el barco al mar.