Sustainable Forestry Management in Action
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To build a wooden Tall Ship is not possible without cutting trees. Anthony explains how SAILCARGO still works against deforestation to save local resources.
The deforestation problem that constantly threatens our global forest resources is one that we can overcome. To accomplish this, though, we must again learn to give our forests real value. The central idea here is that our forests must be more economically valuable in its current state than it would be under competing land uses. If not, they will be deforested.
Latin America’s diverse and astoundingly beautiful forests are constantly under threat. In this region, deforestation occurs when forest owners decide that they can earn more money doing something else with their land. Forests are routinely and casually slashed and burned to make room for agricultural systems, cattle ranches, infrastructure, urbanizations, and mining, to name a few alternative land uses.
One real strategy to conserve our precious forests is sustainable forestry management, a practice that selectively and sustainably chooses trees to be harvested within a forest in order to use their timber for construction, furniture, tools, and, as in the case of this piece, ship building. When well planned and carried out respectfully, sustainable forest management gives way to increased biodiversity within a given forest, offers employment opportunities in rural communities, and, perhaps above all, makes a forest’s continued existence economically possible.
The simple decision to opt for correctly sourced wood instead of modern substitutes is, in fact, the action that permits forests to survive. This entails the sourcing and utilization of selectively and sustainably harvested timber resources.
Currently, what is needed in order to put this strategy to work are organizations that implement sustainable forestry management as part of their business plan.
“The simple decision to opt for correctly sourced wood instead of modern substitutes is, in fact, the action that permits forests to survive.”
Sailcargo, Inc. is carrying out this strategy. This Costa Rican-based company intends to offer carbon neutral freighting services through their wooden vessel, Ceiba, a 45m three-masted topsail cargo schooner. The timber used for the construction of Ceiba originates from three principal sources, each of which are sustainably and carefully chosen: wind-felled trees, managed secondary forests, and trees planted specifically to be harvested for their wood. This ship will be capable of transporting up to 350 cubic meters of cargo, and will offer companies the possibility of exporting their products to an international market through green transportation. Coffee, cacao, macadamia nuts, and salmon are a few of the products which the organization plans to transport.
Additionally, the national context of the project is of significance. Ceiba is being built in Costa Rica, a nation aiming to be carbon neutral by the year 2021. Thus far, large-scale national strategies have been based on a renewable energy sector, yet little has been done for real improvement in the transportation sector. Here Sailcargo, Inc. leads this shift toward carbon neutrality.
To be original, one returns to the origins. Sustainable forestry management and wooden shipbuilding are ancient traditions that must be practiced in order to be culturally conserved.
By integrating said traditions into a business plan through its flagship project, Ceiba, Sailcargo, Inc. and its crew aim to realize an originality apt for modern times.
Our project is funded entirely by people like you becoming shareholders through investing. Support the change you wish to see in the world.
Ceiba: Manejo Forestal Sostenible en Acción
To build a wooden Tall Ship is not possible without cutting trees. Anthony explains how SAILCARGO still works against deforestation to save local resources.
El problema de la deforestación que amenaza constantemente nuestros recursos forestales mundiales es uno que podemos superar. Sin embargo, para lograr esto, debemos aprender a darles valor real a nuestros bosques. La idea central aquí es que nuestros bosques deben ser más valiosos económicamente en su estado actual de lo que sería bajo usos competitivos de la tierra. Si no, serán deforestados.
Los bosques diversos y asombrosamente bellos de América Latina están constantemente en peligro. En esta región, la deforestación ocurre cuando los propietarios de los bosques deciden realizar otra actividad más rentable con su tierra. Los bosques son tumbados y quemados de manera rutinaria y casual para dar cabida a sistemas agrícolas, ganaderías, infraestructura, urbanizaciones y minería, por nombrar algunos usos alternativos de la tierra.
Una estrategia real para conservar nuestros preciosos bosques es el manejo forestal sostenible, una práctica que elige de manera selectiva y sostenible los árboles que se deben aprovechar en un bosque para usar su madera para la construcción, muebles, herramientas y, como en el caso de esta pieza, construcción de barcos. Cuando bien planificado y llevado a cabo de manera respetuosa, el manejo forestal sostenible da paso a una mayor biodiversidad dentro de un bosque determinado, ofrece oportunidades de empleo en las comunidades rurales y, sobre todo, hace económicamente posible la existencia longeva de un bosque.
La decisión simple de optar por madera de origen adecuado en lugar de sustitutos modernos es la acción que permite que los bosques sobrevivan. Esto implica el abastecimiento y la utilización de recursos madereros aprovechados de manera selectiva y sostenible. Actualmente, lo que se requiere para poner en práctica esta estrategia son la formación de organizaciones que implementen el manejo forestal sostenible como parte de su plan de negocios.
“La decisión simple de optar por madera de origen adecuado en lugar de sustitutos modernos es la acción que permite que los bosques sobrevivan.”
Sailcargo, Inc. está llevando a cabo esta estrategia. Esta compañía, con sede en Costa Rica, tiene el propósito de ofrecer servicios de flete neutros en carbono a través de su buque de madera, Ceiba, una goleta de carga de gavia de tres mástiles y 45 m de largo. La madera utilizada para la construcción de Ceiba proviene de tres fuentes principales, las cuales se seleccionan de forma sostenible y cuidadosa: árboles caídos por el viento, bosques secundarios gestionados y árboles plantados específicamente para la cosecha de madera. Este barco podrá transportar hasta 300 toneladas de carga y ofrecerá a las empresas la posibilidad de exportar sus productos a un mercado internacional a través del transporte ecológico. El café, el cacao, las nueces de macadamia y el salmón son algunos de los productos que la organización planea transportar.
Además, cabe destacar el contexto nacional del proyecto. Ceiba se está construyendo en Costa Rica, un país que pretende ser carbono neutral para el año 2021. Hasta el presente, las estrategias nacionales a gran escala se han basado en un sector de energía renovable, sin embargo, se ha hecho muy poco para una mejora real en el sector del transporte. Aquí Sailcargo, Inc. lidera este cambio hacia la neutralidad de carbono.
To be original, one returns to the origins. Sustainable forestry management and wooden shipbuilding are ancient traditions that must be practiced in order to be culturally conserved.
By integrating said traditions into a business plan through its flagship project, Ceiba, Sailcargo, Inc. and its crew aim to realize an originality apt for modern times.
Our project is funded entirely by people like you becoming shareholders through investing. Support the change you wish to see in the world.